subject: Free Work At Home Jobs - Offering Online Services To Offline Businesses [print this page] However, if you are already an experienced internet marketer, you won't have to go very far to look for ways to increase your income. The very skills that you have learned and developed through the years as an internet marketer are the same skills that you can offer to offline businesses. Offline businesses are those brick-and-mortar businesses that you find all around you. By looking around you carefully, you can usually find a couple of brick-and-mortar businesses who want to make their presence known online.
Once you have found a prospective client, you can offer to design their website. As an internet marketer, website design is one of the first things that you need to learn. You can take this skill and offer it as a valuable service to an offline business. As an added value, you can also offer keyword optimization to direct traffic to their website. A website is useless if it cannot be found by search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Through keyword optimization you're putting their website, thus their business, to the forefront.
Lead generation and email campaigns can be another area that you can offer to an offline business. The whole purpose of getting their business online is to gather leads. It will be easy for you to use a lead generation software and perform its initial set-up.
Writing articles online may have been a viable source of income for you, but writing articles for offline businesses can net you a higher price. Offline businesses usually have no idea how to write keyword optimized articles. They are willing to pay a higher price because they know that the returns on their money will be higher than their cost.
Writing press releases is even better than article writing as it commands a higher fee. Press releases are very specific and are for promotional purposes. Small businesses usually don't need this as often as regular articles so you can find a balance between writing articles and press releases.
Finally, you can offer to create their profiles in online social media. Online social media is another necessity to making any business flourish. Social networks are a way for the business to reach more people in and around their area. As a service, you can create their business profiles in Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. It's a very simple matter to start adding friends to their pages thus exposing them to more and more people.
Now you can keep on searching for free work at home jobs or you can choose to capitalize on what you already know as an internet marketer. It's your choice.
by: Paul Marshall
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