subject: Menopause Treatments You Might Not Have Tried Yet [print this page] Experiencing menopause is not a cake walkExperiencing menopause is not a cake walk. The symptoms are irritating. Most treatments take exorbitant amounts of time to actually show results and some never do. People who have no idea what they are talking about may offer you advice. You are experiencing days where you wish you were the only one on earth. What do you expect? Irritability is par for the course with menopause. Thankfully there is a veritable smorgasbord of menopause treatments available to you.
There are so many options you don't have to stop with one, you can keep trying. Here are a few menopause treatments that you might not yet have tried (but that have been proven to be effective).
One remedy for vaginal dryness is something called vaginal estrogen. Vaginal estrogen has been proven effective in decreasing the level of discomfort that is often experienced during intercourse. If you experience vaginal dryness, you could benefit from this method of treatment. If you suffer with urinary tract symptoms this treatment may beneficial to you. Much like birth control the estrogen hormone can be administered in cream, tablet and ring forms. Make sure you talk to your doctor before you begin this treatment! Believe it or not, staying sexually active really is an effective menopause treatment. Men of the universe Jump for Joy! Sexual activity will reduce vaginal dryness and make discomfort during sexual intercourse far more bearable. Decreased libido is a big problem for many women and when they let it keep them from having sex, the sex they do have is often uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Do not let your lack of libido keep you from remaining sexually active. Of course, if you are truly uncomfortable during sexual activity, you might talk to your doctor to find out if there are pharmaceutical ways to treat your symptoms in this area.
Using black cohosh has been said to have benefits although inconclusively. Lots of women who have used black cohosh have reported it as effective in decreasing symptom severity.
Nausea, headaches, dizziness, and heart issues are among the side effects shown in studies when black cohosh is used over long periods of time. We strongly advise you to consult a physcian before beginning treatment with black cohosh. Under no circumstances should black cohosh be taken for periods longer than six months.
There are many types of treatments for just about ever symptom of menopause. Each woman is different and will respond differently to the effects of menopause. This will no doubt make treatment more difficult. Help is available do not forget that. There are more ways to reduce the effects of menopause on your sanity than can be discussed in one article.
Menopause Treatments You Might Not Have Tried Yet
By: Shelly Bray
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