subject: Pneumonia Treatment And Effective Remedies For Pneumonia [print this page] Pneumonia is an infection of one or together lungs which is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
Prior to the detection of antibiotics, one-third of all people who developed pneumonia subsequently died from the disease. Currently, over 3 million people develop pneumonia each year in the United States
Pneumonia is a general term that refers to an infection of the lungs, which can be caused by a variety of bacteria, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.
Pneumonia is an tenderness of the lung, usually caused by an infection. Three common causes are microbes, viruses and fungi.
You can also get pneumonia by accidentally inhaling a liquid or chemical. People most at risk are older than 65 or younger than 2 years of age, or already have health problems.
If you have pneumonia, you may have difficulty breathing and have a cough and a fever. A physical exam and history can help decide if you have pneumonia.
Chest x-rays and blood tests can help resolve what is wrong. Treatment depends on what made you sick. If bacteria are the cause, antibiotics should help.
Viral pneumonia may get better with rest and drinking liquids.
Causes of Pneumonia
By breathing: The tiny droplet get into the air when a person infected with these germs coughs or sneezes. The other person can get these germs by breathing in infected air.
Pneumonia is caused when bacteria or virus that are usually present in the mouth, throat, or nose inadvertently enter the lung.
A healthy person's nose and throat often contain bacteria or viruses that cause pneumonia.
People with recent viral infection, lung disease, heart disease, and swallowing problems can easily get germs of pneumonia
Alcoholics, drug users, and those who have suffered a stroke or seizure are at higher risk for upward pneumonia than the general population.
Symptoms of Pneumonia
Pneumonia symptoms can vary seriously, depending on any underlying conditions you may have and the type of life form causing the infection.
Pneumonia often mimics the flu, opening with a cough and a fever, so you may not realize you have a more serious condition.
3.Shortness of breath
5.Shaking chills
Treatment of Pneumonia
First of all, proper action should be done for the new born babies and extra care should also be taken to stop them from bacteria and virus.
The treatment includes:-
2.Proper rest
3.Plenty of fluids
If pneumonia is caused by bacteria, then it is more often than not treated with antibiotics.
The total course of antibiotics should be known to the babies so that it should not relapse.
Home Remedies for Pneumonia
1.Pneumonia is life frightening disease and hence, home remedies may be useful in aid of the main treatment and should not be careful as main treatment one can depend on.
2.To begin with, one should go for raw juices for 5-7 days for initial days.
For this, one can take glass of fruit or vegetable juice weak with warm water on 50-50 basis. This is to be taken each two hourly. Fruits like oranges, pineapple, apple, orange etc are helpful.
3.Avoid strong tea, coffee and other refreshment beverages. This may produce bad result in pneumonia.
4.One should also keep away from white sugar, white flour and all products made out of them. These are serious to digest and may worsen the case of pneumonia.
by: Dr. Lee Mikal
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