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Price Action Analysis Trading Method; Simple yet Effective Way to Trade Forex

Author: Nial Fuller
Author: Nial Fuller

Price action analysis is one of thee most effective yet simple techniques to successfully trade the forex market. Simplicity is key in trading any market because a simple method helps you regulate your emotions more effectively than a confusing indicator based trading system. Any one who has actively traded forex, stocks, or commodities for any period of time knows that emotion management is paramount to consistent profits. Price action setups allow you to have a window into market direction based on price movement, price data is the most significant data no matter what market being traded. It is the visual representation of everything you need to know for your price action trading plan. Trading the forex market off of price action is a great journey to embark on. The simplicity yet relevance and profit potential provided by price action setups cannot be overstated. Once you learn to spot specific price action setups you will be on target to consistently profit in the forex market. It is entirely possible to master one specific price action setup and profit consistently off of that one setup. Where many aspiring traders go wrong is in thinking they need numerous setups or indicators to make money; they often fall into the trap of assuming more is better in forex trading, when in fact more is usually worse when it comes to trading. The less confusing and jumbled up your charts are the more clearly you will be able to see what price movement is naturally trying to show you. Many traders over look the method of price action analysis because they think it is too easy to learn or that trading should be technically difficult. The fact is that profiting consistently in forex is not technically difficult at all, it is actually technically easy. It is quite easy to learn price action setups that work with a high degree of probability. What is not easy in forex trading is managing ones emotions and managing ones money as well as staying disciplined. This is one of the main benefits of price action analysis; it helps you manage your emotions and stay disciplined by giving you a straight forward yet highly effective and relevant method to base your trading plan from. Most traders start their trading plan on a shaky foundation that utilizes a confusing method that they themselves barely understand. Why use lagging indicators that are derived from mathematical formulas that you dont understand which ultimately just show you past price movement that you could have seen in a much more relevant form using price action analysis? The bottom line is that forex trading is an intensely psychological profession, and until you realize that every aspect of your trading plan needs to take into account the psychological aspect of market activity you are doomed to fail. A solid trading method is usually the first thing traders try to obtain when starting out. Generally, they pay way too much for junk systems that just cover up the relevant price action setups that you can spot on any naked price chart. Dont fall prey to the scam of complicated indicator based systems or signal services. Learn price action analysis and teach yourself how to fish in the forex market, then you can eat for free for a lifetime.About the Author:

Nial Fuller is a Respected Trader and Forex Coach. He runs a Forex Training and Education Website, Visit his site here Price Action Trading Method

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