subject: Your Checklist In Finding A Legitimate Work At Home Opportunity [print this page] With lots of advertisements about work-at-home businesses, how can you really tell that the home based business they are talking about is legitimate and true? It is a very challenging task to look for a legitimate home business opportunity.
Here is a checklist for people who are planning to start a home based business of their own.
1. How long has the company been in the industry? A company who has been operating for at least 5 years can be considered solid and reliable because it has withstand the pressures and challenges for years. Watch out for companies who have just operated for a few months or less than a year. There is a possibility that these businesses can crash or close out at any time.
2. What is the company's reputation in the industry? Read reviews regarding the company you are interested to be a part of. A company that gives quality service always receives recognition and positive feedback from people who have tried their products or services.
3. What is the physical address of the business? If the person you are dealing with is reluctant to give you a physical address of his/her company, then you should have second thoughts in joining. A legitimate company should also have a landline telephone number of their office/s. If they can only give you a mobile phone number and/or email address then this home based business opportunity could be fake or a scam.
4. Does it offer regular compensation? Normally, a stable company offers regular wages with competitive rates. There are certain tasks that you need to complete for you to get paid. Avoid accepting work-at-home opportunities that promise huge and instant profit wherein you only do very simple tasks or not working at all.
5. Are you required to invest money for training or equipment? Some companies will require you to pay a certain fee for the equipments or sales kit you are going to use for the business. But if the company is asking you for a "registration fee" or membership fee", then you might be dealing with scammers.
6. Do you need to have certain skills to get the job? Beware of home based opportunities that do not require specific qualifications from applicants. Every detail about the job, such as your responsibilities and its scope, should always be clearly stated and explained to you.
7. Who are the founders of the company? Do a research about the company's background. Know more about the owner of the company and the people behind it. You should know if they have the skills and capability to run and make decisions for the company.
8. Are you encouraged to sign up in a hurry? Beware of "It's Now or Never". If the company forces you to sign up immediately, then you might be dealing with scammers. A legitimate company should be able to stand the test of time. Be aware of how stable the company is.
Copyright (c) 2009 Elizabeth Ross
by: Elizabeth Ross
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