subject: Obtaining Auto Insurance Quotes Online [print this page] Before researching auto insurance quotes online, one should be aware of certain points. The cheapest premium is not the be all and end all of getting insurance coverage. Check out the record of accomplishment of the insurance company to see that the company is financially sound and is able to pay out claims. Ensure that the quotes you get cover the same risks so that a fair comparison can be made. Your driving record will go a long way to determining the premium that you will pay.
People who drive under 2082 kilometers per month, have a clean driving record and have their drivers license for more than five years be eligible for cheaper rates. There are companies that charge you on as a pay as you drive basis.
Peruse online insurance companies so that you can gather all the information you need to get the best quote possible. Safer cars with air bags and ABS braking systems are more likely to be charged less than cars without this. Smaller ordinary cars are less likely to be stolen by robbers and hijackers to select these. Private driving is less expensive than business travel and woman and people who are married pay less for their insurance.
Largely, most people want similar things when it comes to insurance. The lowest rate at with a reputable company. Technology has advanced so much that you can now get more than one quote from an online portal by completing just one application form. This sure beats the days of phoning a whole pile of companies and or driving around to the all these companies in order to find an appropriate quote.
There is no one company that offers cheapest insurance guaranteed, this is because each individual is assessed differently. This process is known as underwriting and premiums are charged on this basis considering each drivers unique circumstances.
Certain clients may qualify for discount as these clients satisfy underwriting criteria as laid down by the insurance company. The friend that you refer to the company may not qualify for these discounts and therefore will end up paying a higher premium than you. Some companies may have a good claims experience with people who are married and therefore married people will pay less with that particular insurance company.
The goal of these portals that offer multiple quotes should be to allow consumers to get the best quotes possible by seeking auto insurance quotes online.
by: Lance Thorington
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