subject: Some Thoughts On Multiple Accidents Car Insurance [print this page] If you have had a number of accidents you may find that it is more difficult for your to get good car insurance rates. This is particularly true if it is your fault that the accident has happened. A worse case scenario might even see your insurance provider cancelling your policy once you have had an accident and you will be required to pay off the full outstanding balance nonetheless. In other circumstances with another company you may need to get yourself additional coverage and this will end up costing more. The following are a few thoughts on multiple accidents car insurance.
In a case where the accident is your own fault the insurance company might end up charging points onto your policy when it is to be renewed. You may actually continue to have points added for up to seven years after any accident that is down to you and this will add up to extra costs on your insurance each month.
When it comes to rates that you will be getting, those drivers who have had multiple accidents will be rightly deemed to be more of a risk than those who have a clean record. This is only natural and will be particularly bad if you are deemed to be the one who has caused a number of the accidents. The more accidents that you have, the more your rates are going to be going up and up.
Your driving record is one of the most important factors than an insurer will take into consideration when they look into what rates and premiums to charge and the more accidents that you have been involved in the worse this record will become and therefore the more you will be required to pay.
When it comes down to it having multiple accidents that have been caused by you will really affect your record in a bad way and this will be found out by the insurers. In some cases they only go back 3 years, but many will go back 5 or even 7 years in order to determine your driving history. Even if you have not been to blame you will still see adverse effects on the cost of your premiums.
If you able to maintain a good driving record, however, and then get into your first accident, a lot of companies will waive the thought of raising your premiums. At the end of the day, the worse you drive, the more your insurance will be. Its really simple maths.
You may feel hard done by if you have not been the cause, but if you are able to prove this on each occasion then you may get away with only minimal additional cover charges.
by: Lance Thorington
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