subject: Playstation 3 Bundle Move Review [print this page] Early on in 2009 Sony let the world know that their new launch "The Move" was on its way . Now the wait is over and 13 months later Sony has launched the Move. If you don't know the Playstation Move is two bits of kit that detect how you move in relation to the receiver. Firstly you have a controller that you hold which looks like a microphone and secondly the famous Sony "Eye" camera. It is time for Sony to try and take back some of its lost sales from the Wii. Famously the Wii has become mainstream console of choice for the older generation as well as children. Because Sony launched the actual "Eye" camera back in 2003 they claim that the "Moves" launch is nothing to do with the Wii but more of an extention of what they were planning anyway. Whatever happens it will sure be exciting to see who will win this war.
How do the Playstation Move and the Wii differ?
The two consoles are quite far apart in how they handle movement. As we all know the Wii uses accelerometers in the handset which allows the Wii to know the orientation of the controller and uses this in conjunction with the sensor strip to test position. Thw Wii has trouble with the length of the movement stroke completed which means players can just "wrist flick" instead of playing a full stroke on most games. Conversely the movement between the handset in relation to the camera the Playstation remembers where you were to where you are now. This means your moves in the 3d space in front of the unit is a lot more precise.
"Sports Champion", Sonys answer to "Wii Sports" comes bundled with the larger Playstation 3 bundles. This is a move by Sony to showcase the extra precision of the new unit as the 6 games really do require precise skill to be any good. Calibration of the controller must be done before each game but it only takes seconds.
All in all I found the preciseness of the controller gives the PS3 Move a huge advantage over the Wii and I for one cannot wait for the big game producers to make some great movement games.