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How to Make Money Online and Create a Second Income

Author: Michael Shuman
Author: Michael Shuman

Today many people are looking for an alternative method of making money other than their 40 hour a week job. One way is to make money on the internet. Id like to talk about several different ways of making money on the internet; affiliate marketing, selling on auction sites and selling your own products.

Many individuals today are familiar with selling or buying from an online auction site. Ebay is the biggest of these. Look in any bookstore and you will find any number of books that talk about how to sell on Ebay. Here are the basics. You create an account on Ebay.

You then find items that you can sell. These can be old junk you no longer need and is just lying around the house. They can be items youve found at garage sales. And, they can be items you purchase with the intent to resell.

Once you have the products to sell you then place them on the auction site and wait for individuals to bid on them. Whatever the final amount bid becomes the amount you sell it for. Before you start to count your money, remember the auction site takes a cut of every item you sell.

The advantage of an auction site is that it is an quick easy way to sell items. Anything and everything is sold. The disadvantage is that the price someone is willing to pay may not give you very much money.

The people who make a living from selling at an auction site are doing it either through a specialty niche that commands a higher price per item or through volume. Even so, this is an excellent way to make some extra money by simply getting rid of the extra junk you have lying around the house.

Another way to make money is to design your own products and then sell them from your own online site. When you do this you get to keep all of the profits.

Creating and marketing your own products can be the most lucrative method to make money on the internet. You get to charge a fixed price for the item and you control the entire process.

The downside is this, you have to first do all of the research and marketing. Then you have to create the product, handle the purchase, ship the product and deal with any customer issues and returns. This way to make money can be very labor intensive.

The best way that I know of for how to make money online is by affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing essentially is what a department store does. They resell products that they buy from the manufacturer.

When you are looking for a way to make money online, affiliate marketing doesnt require you to actually purchase the product. Youre just the middleman. Here is the way to make money from affiliate marketing.

First you find a product you want to sell. Next you create a method of directing traffic to the sellers own sales page. The product will have its own sales page created by the seller. Then if the buyer purchases the product, the seller takes care of the transaction, the shipping of the product and any customer issues. Then the seller gives you a percentage or fixed amount for each sale. You get the all of the benefits of a great way to make money on the internet without the hassles.

For me, the answer to the question, How to make money online? is through affiliate marketing. It is simple, requires little to no startup money and there are ample products out there to choose from.About the Author:

The author works from home is always asking the question,

How to make money online
and looking for ways to

make money on the


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