subject: Make Money Online In Any Economy [print this page] With the unemployment rate the way it is, lots of folks are looking for ways to make more money these days. Many have been looking to the internet as a way to earn extra cash, or to replace their jobs lost to this recession. There's all kinds of legitimate ways to make a lucrative income online, but there are also some that are a waste of time, or downright scams.
One of the best ways to make money on the internet is to sell your own product. There are lots of high-quality digital products that you can buy which come with resell rights. Meaning, you get a license that allows you to resell the product, and keep all of the profits for yourself!
Selling products with "Master Resell Rights" (MRR) are even more profitable. This gives you the right to sell the product, and also pass along the resell rights to your customers, allowing them to sell the product as well.
Right now, resell rights products are a very HOT commodity, and there's a very broad market them. So that's one great reason to start selling products with resell rights. But in my opinion, the main reason why selling products with resell rights is so great is because you decide what price to sell them at. It's completely up to you how much you want to charge for your products. You can sell resell rights for anywhere from $10 to over $1,000! So it allows you to have a high ticket item that is actually a hot seller.
If you take a look around, you'll see that all the big names in Internet Marketing make big bucks selling high ticket items, such as; $97 e-books, $197 software and even $997 for DVD training courses. But make sure you read the license that comes with your product, as a few of them do specify a minimum (or maximum) sale price.
Now, unless you're already an expert you may not have the experience and knowledge to create such high quality products. But with resell rights products, that's not a problem! Almost all of the difficult work has been done for you, and in most cases, you also get a website, download page, and all the other tools you need to promote your product.
Also, when you offer your customers the resell rights to your product, you're not just selling them an e-book or study course. You're not just teaching people how to do something, or solve a problem. What you are really doing is actually selling a business that your customers can start making their own money with, which is a lot more valuable, and carries a lot more selling power. A product that will not only "pay for itself", but has the potential to bring long-tern profits has a very strong appeal!
Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Corcoran
by: Ed Corcoran
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