subject: Home Loans- Home Financing Approval When You Have Bad Credit [print this page] With so many individuals having bad credit, it is imperative that they are able to finance a home. Many people's credit has went down due to how the economy has affected everyone.
It seems to get harder all the time to keep up with our expenses and be able to pay for our everyday living too. Just because you have less than great credit, does not mean you shouldn't be able to purchase a home.
There are still ways to get a home financed with bad credit. Your first move at this point, should be to contact all three credit reporting agencies and request your credit report to be sent to you. You will need all three as some companies only turn in on a certain agency.
Double checking all three credit reports is the best way to make sure there are no errors on your history. If you do notice errors that have been reported on your history, you can challenge them and if they are removed, your credit score will improve right away. Now is the time that you should go to your financial institution of your choice to see about filling out the application for a home loan. Depending on how your credit score has turned out, you may be pre-qualified for a traditional home mortgage loan.
If this is not the case, and your credit score is on the low side, there are other options available to you. Once you have been denied by your financial institution, you should log onto your computer and perform a search for "Bad Credit Mortgage Lenders". The companies that will be displayed specialize in dealing with those of us that have not been so fortunate in keeping our credit report spotless. You have a fairly decent chance of getting approval from one of these companies than you did from your regular financial institution. The whole process of qualifying for a home loan when you have bad credit, is a bit trickier than if you would have had great credit, but it can be accomplished.
You will have to be able to show them that you have a steady proof of income that can be used for the repayment of the loan, a positive history with other types of financing companies, a good credit score, a solid work history with the same company, and other financial documents and personal information.
by: Jay Leo
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