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subject: New Years Eve Restaurants in Nottingham by:Mark Roberts [print this page]

New Years Eve Restaurants in Nottingham by:Mark Roberts

Nottingham becomes alive on New Year's EveNottingham becomes alive on New Year's Eve. Nottingham is famed for its vibrant night life and there are hundreds of options for any New Years Eve revellers, the question is what to do? With the largest concentration of bars and pubs in a mile radius in the whole of Europe party goers can enjoy a huge range of stylish bars and then go to one of the many clubs and dance the night away.

The Lace Market is home to a number of stylish bars from Living Room to the famous Pitcher and Piano converted church, or perhaps West of the city towards the castle and the cobbled streets is for you. There are a good number of restaurants in Nottingham that will cater an amazing 3-5 course meal and then provide a range of post meal entertainment so you and your guests won't have to worry about a thing! Having a meal with friends and family on New Year's Eve is the perfect way to chat about the highs and lows of the year and indeed set those New Year's resolutions. After all isn't New Year's eve about celebration, those you care about and reflection on the year just gone.

Go dine are already taking bookings for New Year's eve and as everyone knows, those who prepare early tend to get the right offering, venue and even the best table; as the year progresses we shall be adding New Year's Eve menus and putting these all in one area for you.

Vienna - Situated just of the Market Square in Nottingham city centre Vienna would make the ideal venue. Beautiful surroundings, in house bar, and if you want to join the crowd gathered in the square simply step outside.

Harts - Nottingham restaurant awards winner 2009, Harts will ensure your New Year's is memorable. Exquisite food, fantastic champagne, perfect service, in-house bar, the list goes on, ooh and why not stay in the fantastic rooms within the hotel... the list is endless at Hart's.

Home Bar and Restaurant- If you want to be slightly away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre Home Bar is a perfect venue. Home Bar is literally that, Home from home. Enjoy a fantastic menu cooked by one of the finest chefs in Nottingham and then why not sit back in one of Home's leather sofas.

Check out New Years Eve restaurants in Nottingham.

About the author

Mark is a passionate promotor of Spanish restaurants in Nottingham and online restaurant booking.

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