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subject: Acai Berry and Cancer [print this page]

Author: Dane Frank
Author: Dane Frank


There have been many studies looking at the links between cancer prevention and Acai berry. We will explore these arguments in more detail. The increase in interest and popularity of this juicy purple berry from Brazil has been phenomenal, and there are reasons for this.

The acai berry has satisfied antioxidant properties inherent in its DNA make up, and it is these antioxidant claim that can help to eliminate any free radicals that may be occurring in the body, Acai Berry and Cancer and thus prevent the onset of certain cancerous growths.

It has outstandingly been tested to a large gauge on cells which can cause leukemia, with normally an ninety+ success rate in its removal. These are of course just scientific studies, and out in the real world there are often varying degrees of success, but it is certainly at least the basis for some optimism. The berry has extremely high levels of antioxidants and it is this factor that leads us to the conclusion that the link between the prevention of cancer and the acai berry is a valid one.

Cancer can strike commonality who have led exemplary lifestyles in terms of their health and fitness, as there can be a large hereditary factor built into the formation of cancerous cells.Acai Berry and Cancer Howbeit, by and large you can help yourself to give yourself the best possible chance of warding off cancer by doing the right things.

The right things are eating and drinking in moderation, keep fit and exercise at least 2 or 3 times a week, eating the right foods so that you have a low fat, low sugar, low-salt diet high fiber-filled groceries and unprocessed fruits and vegetables. And he himself will not hurt anyone by including the acai berry diet in this regime.

For more information please click here Acai Berry and CancerAbout the Author:

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