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subject: New Cars - Global Group Of Eight (g8) Industry Guide [print this page]

New Cars - Global Group of Eight (G8) Industry Guide

Datamonitor''s New Cars - Global Group of Eight (G8) Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the New Cars industry in each of the G8 (United States, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia and Japan) countries. The report includes easily comparable data on market value, volume, segmentation and market share, plus full five year market forecasts. It examines future problems, innovations and potential growth areas within the market.( )

Scope of the Report

* Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation

* Provides textual analysis of the industry''s prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the leading companies

* Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards

* Compares data from the US, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia and Japan, alongside individual chapters on each country. .

* Includes a five-year forecast of the industry


The G8 New Cars market grew by 2.7% between 2005 and 2009 to reach a value of $603.1 billion

In 2014, the market is forecast to have a value of $683.3 billion, an increase of 2.5% from 2009.

The US is the worlds largest market and generates 25.1% of global revenues.

Why you should buy this report

* Spot future trends and developments

* Inform your business decisions

* Add weight to presentations and marketing materials

* Save time carrying out entry-level research

Market Definition

The new cars market consists of the initial retail sale of passenger cars. The market value is calculated at retail selling price (RSP) and the market volume is given in terms of units sold. Any currency conversions used in this report have been calculated at constant 2008 annual average exchange rates.

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