subject: The Best Cigar Producing Countries [print this page] When most people think of premium cigars, they automatically think of Cuba as being the best cigar producing country. Whether this is because Cuban cigars are really the highest quality cigars or because they are illegal in the United States, and therefore considered forbidden fruit, which in and of itself may impart a particular reputation to Cuban cigars, is unclear.
There are other countries that produce cigars, and their products have their own unique and distinct flavors. Also, it is legal to purchase them.
The Dominican Republic is considered by cigar aficionados to be the second-best, if not the best country for producing cigars. The tobacco has a different taste, and Dominican cigars make for a very pleasurable cigar smoking experience.
Both Honduras and Nicaragua in Central America produce fine cigars. The cigars from Honduras have a particularly robust flavor, yet they are considered mild.
Jamaica had already been known for fine cigars, its makers having learned and adopted some cigar making methods from their Cuban neighbors; however, Hurricane Gilbert effectively destroyed the majority of the tobacco crop when it hit the island. Surprisingly, some time after the hurricane, tobacco plants were found growing on their own in the May Pan region.
The soil in the May Pan region is somewhat different from that in other areas of Jamaica. It is very fertile, and well suited for tobacco growth. Because of this, Jamaica is once again coming into its own as a cigar producing country.
Mexico is another cigar producing country. It produces cigars under its own brand names. However the tobacco used in them may not only come from Mexico but also from other Central American countries. This gives Mexican cigars their own unique flavor and odor.
Which country is considered the best is, of course, a matter of individual taste. Just as with food, people have their own opinion of what makes a good cigar.
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