subject: What Types Of Mortgage Calculators Are Available? [print this page] You should always solicit the advice of a professional home loan consultant when seeking a mortgage. However, before you set out on a search, using one of many different mortgage calculators can provide invaluable information that is specific to your personal situation. Armed with the information a mortgage offset calculator, for example, can provide will guide you in the process obtaining a home loan. Using a mortgage calculator can help save you a great deal of stress and time when seeking a home loan because, in effect, you can pre-qualify yourself. There are many mortgage calculators that perform specific functions.
Information is a Good Tool
The information obtained through use of a mortgage calculator can, at the very least, save you time looking for the right type of home loan. Instead of setting your sights on a particular loan with specific features, use one of the many mortgage calculators available so you can get a better idea of what kind of loan for which you may qualify. These various mortgage calculators provide home loan seekers with a great deal of information including:
Budget This calculator applies personal information details to create a monthly budget that can be use with this next tool.
Affordability This calculator reveals the maximum dollar amount that a potential home loan seeker can handle on monthly repayments.
Debt Consolidation Some mortgage seekers are looking to use a home loan to consolidate accumulated debt; this calculator presents information if this is a doable choice.
Cost This is a great tool that indicates how much it will cost a potential home loan seeker to borrow money.
Additional There are several other mortgage calculators that provide information about making balloon payments or what would be the effect when making larger repayments or lump sum options plus many more.
A Mortgage Calculator Considers All Obligation
Anyone setting out to borrow money would like to know what their loan limit might be. The error many consumers make when seeking a home mortgage is not to consider all the other cost factors that make up a monthly mortgage repayment amount. These costs need to be considered along with the principal loan amount. A mortgage calculator can provide a prospective home loan seeker with other numbers including how much total interest is to be repaid. It can also show the effects on a loan when different repayment time terms are selected. The mortgage calculator can reveal what parts of a loan repayment include finance charges and other loan cost fees.
Examine Different Scenarios
Using a mortgage calculator, a prospective borrower can input several different scenarios using different numbers that will deliver different results. An example would be to change the time terms using 30-, 20-, or a 15-year period that would show the different monthly repayment amounts. Or reverse the information by plugging in different monthly repayment amounts to see what the total loan amount might be approved for that particular dollar amount. When a consumer uses a mortgage calculator plugging in different numbers to arrive at different results, a great amount of information can be obtained to better arm a loan seeker when approaching the very first prospective lender.
After all, information does empower.
by: David Nalin
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