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subject: Temperatures That You Would Expect On A Hurghada Holiday [print this page]

Temperatures That You Would Expect On A Hurghada Holiday

One of the main factors that you have to consider when you go away on holiday is the weather and this is an important factor should you consider to take a Hurghada holiday. As all of us do, we have to pack for the vacation.

There is one thing that you do not have to worry about when packing for a holiday to Hurghada though, and that is winter clothing. This is one of the very few places that you would find an all year round summer season. This area is known for the minimal rainfall as well as cloudless skies.

This is a guarantee that should you at any time of the year pay this area a visit; you would not be disappointed at the weather. You would always be able to go scuba diving, play any water sports that are made available as well as sunbathe. The weather in Hurghada would remind you of a desert; this means that you would experience really hot weather during the day, a more chilled evening, and a lower humidity.

The weather in Hurghada is perfect and is referred to as the sunbather's paradise, as it has a consistent day-to-day hot weather climate. Temperatures would go from 26 degrees Celsius to 35 degree Celsius during the month of August and will still be on the rise during the remote periods.

There is a caution that you should be on the lookout for dehydration as well as heat stroke as this is the period where the heat could be a bit harder to deal with than anything else is.

The cool breeze that you would experience during the evenings is one that would be very welcomed and more of a surprise to some, in the sense that the drop in temperature would be colder than expected.

The winter season in this area runs from April up to December of every year, and this is known to bring temperatures that run from 20 degrees Celsius to 22 degrees Celsius. During the winter season, you could enjoy up to six hours of lasting sunshine per day. One of the nicest things is that during the winter season you would not experience rainfall or should you, it will be minimal perhaps only one or two days of the year. The sea temperatures remain at a constant 20 degrees Celsius and during the winter season, hits an all time low of 5 degrees Celsius.

by: Lance Thorington

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