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A Trip Down Document Management Lane

Document management has been a vital part of every businesses day to day running for many years. From the early days of pen and paper right up to the new, modern document management systems the concept of document management has changed considerably to incorporate the new developments in business technology. The idea of a paperless office has increased in popularity over the last decade with more and more businesses taking control over how environmentally friendly their business is. With the current popularity of electronic document management systems it seems that the paperless office is not totally out of reach, but just how did we reach a point where we don't rely on hard copy documents. Here is a step by step guide to the development of document management!

First there was the legendary filing cabinet, the steel contraption that takes pride of place in offices around the world. The filing cabinet was invented in the late 1800's and offered a more organised way of storing and filing the many document kept by a business, the filing cabinet has avoided relic status and is still sued today in offices around the world.

One of the main drawbacks of the filing cabinet is the sheer amount of space that it took in an office. Legend has it that once you buy one filing cabinet you are bound to purchase many more to join them over the next few years. Many businesses had cottoned on to the space issues connected to filing cabinets and decided to create 'The Server' one of the first technologies to electronic documents. This then led to the introduction of the personal computer or the PC as it is more commonly known. The PC allowed offices to create and store documents on their computer however with this create power came a lack of document responsibility. Documents stored on a PC were often lost or tampered with as the security settings were highly unstructured.

The history of document management then leads us to electronic document management systems, the light at the end of the tunnel for anyone looking for a safe, secure and easy to use system that organises and maintains their documents. Modern offices with a document management system are already feeling the benefits of this exciting technology, no longer do employees have to individually scan each letter and invoice into the system as everything it done by a professional company skilled in looking after your documents.
A Trip Down Document Management Lane

It has been a long road but finally there is a way to protect and store your documents away from the threats of lax security, over stuffed filing cabinets and prying eyes!

by: Dan Jo

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