subject: Iui Ivf Treatment,iui In India, Ivf Treatment In India [print this page] Once known as artificial insemination, intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the process by which sperm is deposited in a woman's uterus through artificial means. For many couples, this is a less invasive and more affordable alternative to IVF. Explaining IUI will give you a general overview of the process. However, IUI is not the only artificial insemination procedure performed. In addition to IUI, individuals with fertility problems may elect to try intravaginal insemination (IVI), intracervical insemination (ICI), or intratubal insemination (ITI).
Female age is a significant factor with IUI. Intrauterine insemination has very little chance of working in women over 40 years old.If the sperm count, motility and morphology scores are low, intrauterine insemination is unlikely to work.IUI is most commonly used for unexplained infertility. It is also used for couples affected by mild endometriosis, problems with ovulation, mild male factor infertility and cervical factor infertility.
Sperm used in IUI must first be properly prepared. This proces is known as sperm washing. Just how far in advance the sperm you are using in your procedure is prepared can influence the chances of success with this procedure. Of course, as with any form of infertility treatment, there are variable factors which can affect how successful this treatment will be for you.
Who needs Intrauterine Insemination Treatment?
No. Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) involves directly introducing in to the uterus of the processed semen. The main thing to remember is that at least one of the fallopian tubes of the woman should be healthy and patent. It is a technique used for couples with fertility problems based on specific causes. These causes are:
*Cervical hostility: Wherein the cervix is not permeable for semen as demonstrated by the Post Coital Test.
*Idiopathic subfertility: No cause has been found for the inability to conceive.
*Male subfertility the sperm quality is decreased. Clinics use different ranges for sperm count in which they perform IUI.
*Sperm Antibodies:Presence of antibodies which inactivate the sperm.
*Inability for vaginal ejaculation with decreased sperm quality. For example in men with retrograde ejaculation or spinal cord injury.
IUI can be performed either in a spontaneous ovulatory cycle (cervical hostility) or in a cycle with ovarian stimulating hormones (idiopathic subfertility and male subfertility/sperm antibodies). The stimulation is mostly done with clomiphene citrate or gonadotrophins.
Morpheus ART offers comprehensive assisted fertility services like IVF Consultation,Fertility Workup,Infertility Counseling,Fertility Surgery,Andrology,Artificial Insemination,ART IVF IUI ICSI,Donor Program,sperm Donation,Egg Donation,Embryo Donation,Surrogacy,Advanced ART Technology,ART procedures,Laser Assisted Hatching,Blastocyst Culture,Cryo Preservation,IMSI,Zona BiFringerence.
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Morpheus Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.,
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