subject: Tips For Buying Auto Insurance In Florida [print this page] Buying car insurance involves a lot of ground work, especially for those in search of a good deal. If you are looking to purchase auto insurance in Florida, here are some tips and pointers that will help you make an informed decision.
To start off with, each state has its own minimum insurance coverage requirements, for Florida this stands at ten thousand dollars for personal injury protection and the equivalent in property damage coverage. This standard acts as a bare minimum which you must meet.
In addition to this bare minimum, if you have been involved in an accident or have been convicted of certain offences you will have to meet an additional requirement of bodily injury liability coverage. The state insurance website or office will provide you with additional information and explanations regarding the minimum insurance requirement. You can also use the state mandated minimum as a baseline from which you can assess how much additional coverage you need.
If you have an existing policy, you want to check how much you are paying on a monthly and yearly basis. This information about your existing premiums will help you gauge whether the quotes you get from the various insurers are competitive and reasonable.
There are several ways in which you can go about searching for the right policy and company. The simplest way would be to hire a broker or insurance agent. He or she will do the necessary ground work and come up with a list of quotations that meet your needs. It is important to hire an independent broker and not one that is tied to just one particular insurance company. If you want to save some money and are up to the task, you can do the necessary research yourself. There are numerous websites that simplify the process for consumers. Simply enter your specifications and the website will generate a list of competitive quotes that meet your needs.
A good way to evaluate all the different options is to draw up a table with all the information. Costs aside, you need to take into account additional perks that an insurance company can offer you. These can range from discounted premiums to special gifts to sweeten the deal.
You also want to ensure that the company you sign up with is reputable and has a good track record. Check with industry insiders or those that are familiar with the practices of insurance companies, about which insurers make timely payments and have simple claims processes.
This list of tips and pointers will help you in your search for auto insurance in Florida.
by: Lance Thorington
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