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How To Make Money Online - Tips To Follow - Part 2

Don't Procrastinate
Don't Procrastinate

Procrastination is a thief. It will rob you of your time and your enthusiasm. When you continually put things off, chances are they will never get done. And if they do get done, you rush through them and don't give it your best. The best thing you can do for yourself and your online business is set priorities. The most important things should get done first. Never push things off until another day. If you can do it now, then you need to do it now. Pushing it off will make it seem harder then what it really is. When it boils down to it, procrastination will keep you broke and frustrated.

Here are a few things you can do to help you overcome procrastination:

Put One Foot In Front Of The Other And Just Do It - One of the main reasons people procrastinate is because of fear. They are afraid they might not be good at something or that something might not work from them. You have to push past your fears and just do it. When you do, you will realize you had what it takes all the time.

Create A To Do List - Another thing you can do is create a list of tasks that must get done before you lay down for bed. Having a list can help you stay focused and on track. Go through the list and complete each task in order of importance. Once you are finished reward yourself for sticking to the plan.

Be Aggressive The second make money online tip is to be very aggressive. You want to get your content in as many places as you possibly can. Some people think being aggressive means you will be spamming. That is completely incorrect. As long as you are following the rules and not put out spammy content, you will be just fine. At the end of the day your content should provide valuable information to the reader. As long as that happens, you can post as much content as you want, whenever you want. So make sure you are aggressively getting your message to your target audience. Don't settle for just writing 50 articles or creating 20 videos. Thats now enough. If you look at the top article marketers you will see that they have well over 20,000 articles written and submitted. Don't believe me? Just go over to and click on expert authors. You will see that Sean Mize is the number one author will close to 24,000 articles.

And you better believe he is reaping the rewards of having all of the valuable content posted online. Now I am in no way saying you personally need to write that many articles. Once you get to a place where you can afford to outsource, do it. This will save you a lot of time and help you get even more content out there promoting your products and services.

by: H. Miller

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