subject: Farm Day Australia [print this page] Many Countries around the world have their local agricultural shows where the farmers bring their produce to show off to neighbours, friends, buyers and townsfolk alike in order to promote their goods to their local market. But Australia has gone one better and is now inviting the city folk to visit their properties (farms) to experience life on a real working farm.
Farm day in Australia is an initiated scheme by the Rural community to share the joys and sorrows of farm life in Australia with their city 'cousins' by inviting them to experience life on a working property for one day.
In Australia, anyone who works in the agricultural industry works on a property or a Station. Few (if any) Australians refer to their property as a farm. Someone who works/owns a small property where they produce small amounts of food has a hobby farm which is usually often very productive but is considered to be a 'wanna be' landowner and is not taken very seriously.
Australian farmers are at the top of the world's agricultural production industry simply because they are hard working and innovative. There are no farm subsidies in Australia like those that exist in the US or Europe.
Many parts of the world are desperately short of food due to droughts, wars, bad governance and any number of other misfortunes that they are afflicted with. Indeed Australia has just come out of a ten year drought and some parts of the country are still in drought.
When droughts break in Australia, which is one of the driest countries on earth, the flooding rains cause enormous damage along with enormous benefits. The farmers in outback western Queensland NSW and South Australia have recently endured flood waters that have killed off many thousands of prime breeding stock that were carefully nurtured through one of the longest droughts yet recorded in Australia. Feeding these prime breeding herds over the ten year drought cost many farmers massive bank overdrafts where they will be paying off bank loans for the first 5-6 harvests that will eventuate from the benefits of the recent floods.
This cycle of boom and bust is simply part of living on the land in Australia. But in today's world of supermarkets and processed food, many city folk, forget where the food is produced and many city kids have never seen a cow milked or sheep mustered.
Milk isn't produced in cartons but until kids learn to associate a cow producing milk they won't understand the process of food production. Eggs aren't laid in cartons either and to actually see a chook (Chicken ~ in Australia, all chickens are chooks until they reach the dinner table) laying an egg, is an eye opening experience for these city dwellers. To hear the hen cackle afterwards delights smaller kids and their googie egg is eaten ever afterwards with delight and fun memories.
Farm day in Australia is a great way of business networking and bringing the rural and city folk to a better understanding of food production and each other; by showing each family how other families live in Australia.
by: Jan Smith
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