subject: Spiritual Understanding - What Is Personal Spiritual Growth? [print this page] Some believe that spiritual is to belong to the church ecclesiastical: lords spiritual and temporal. Others believe that spiritual is on, or consisting of spirit or spiritualist, supernatural or spiritual. So is the spiritual seat of moral or religious nature. Spiritual is that relating to sacred things or matters; religious devotion sacred. Spiritual is that is on the mind or intellect. While we refer spiritual as more spiritual, most spiritual, less spiritual or least spiritual, it means the soul having no body, form, or substance.
The scope of spiritual and spiritual growth is very wide. Spiritual growth refers the personal spiritual development, to develop higher awareness or to develop higher consciousness. Spiritual Growth is the enrichment of one's personal spiritual beliefs through many different means, such as meditation, prayer, positive thinking, virtuous acts and enlightenment. Spiritual growth is a way to integrate spirituality to a higher and higher degree in our daily live.
We can compare human development with the achievement in a particular activity like in economics, accounting etc. This is self growth that we learn from schools and civilization. Self growth automatically acts according to these rights without having to think about it. We refer to this ability in the spiritual growth as awareness or consciousness. Spiritual growth means developing this ability further.
We can compare the human development and the achievement of brilliance in a particular activity. It is self growth of individualism. The spiritual growth is of fundamental rights of existence without having to think about it. Spiritual growth means developing the ability to invoke awareness or consciousness on inner self.
We can use the growth model to represent our spiritual level of consciousness or level of consciousness. We can clearly perceive all that is the sphere, with our common sense and spiritual growth. Outside the sphere of awareness (consciousness sphere) the brightness of our spiritual growth is not enough. The further away something of our sphere of spiritual growth, it is less easy to perceive the spiritual growth. Personal spiritual growth is personal development to enlarge the sphere of consciousness. As such, personal spiritual growth is an integral part of our goal of life.
We constantly hear people talk about the selfishness and soul as if they were interchangeable. Self growth refers to the vehicle by which the selfishness manifested in separation.
Spiritual growth refers to the vehicle by which the consciousness manifested in unity. Unity is the key note of the spirit. When we pass from spiritual growth in intellectual development at a time we are in the midst of separation.
Facing our own intellectual nature, to which the word soul must be limited, we both notice it, as they say, the principle of the separation. In the growth of our intellectual nature, we become increasingly aware of the separation of selfishness. This gives rise to all our ideas about the separate existence, separate property of self growth.
It's the nature of spiritual growth which transforms all the great mysteries of world religions,
by: GS Virk
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