subject: XOWii Third Party Review [print this page] XOWii just seeing the name catches your attention when you find out it means life in Greek it spurs you on to learn more about this home based business opportunity. Let's find the facts and see if this mlm promoting a healthy energy drink is a good fit for you. I'm guessing that you are reading this because you are looking for a home based business, someone has shown you this business, or you are about to sign up to become a rep. Are you ready for a life changing company with a great product line and a great compensation plan with the ability to move products through the traditional mlm business model or a different business model they leave it up to you. To find out more continue to read this article.
The XOWii company was founded by Richard Kelly and James Christiansen and launched in 2009 and is already open for business in the US, Peru, and Chile that alone is a great start for a new mlm company. The combined experience of the co-founders gives them both network marketing and traditional business ideas to fall back on to build this opportunity for others to build upon.
XOWii offers 3 products to it's customers XOWii Ultimate, XOWii Energy, and XOWii Thin each with it's own mix of vitamins, minerals, aloe vera and coffee fruit along with a a unique mix of other nutrients. Are these drinks of a higher quality than all the energy drinks you can quickly pick up at the grocery store or quick mart? Energy drinks seem to be the drink of the younger generation are they going to take advantage of the mlm business model of in their fast paced life do they just want the grab and go. The speed inwhich this company has grown would suggest that this is the nutritional drink to be had.
The compensation plan is a binary with 10 possible ways to get paid starting with your upfront retail commission, fast start and business builder bonuses, residual and company pools, the always well received car program and cruises. All of these levels of income sound great if you know how to market. I see alot of help from the company on the products and the opportunity but little to none on how to marktet. Marketing a home based business is only for the truely dedicated. Does that describe you? Then let's find out more about marketing your new mlm business. You can certainly start by making a list of your family, friends, and co-workers but eventually your warm list will run out. What do you do next cold call or find a way to start creating new relationships? I vote for making new relationships. Just how do you do that it take time. Do you know that many people are looking for friends and business opportunities on the internet? Learn the secrets that will help you to build your business online through a series of step by step instructions. Start building your business today by clicking the link below and learning new marketing techniques now.
XOWii Third Party Review
By: Lori Giffey
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