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subject: How Some Cheap Skin Care Products Can Actually Harm Your Skin [print this page]

Men who are looking for male skin care methods may often buy cheap skin care products for two reasons. Either they do not feel that they need to spend a lot of money on male skin care, or they do not realize how cheap skin care products can actually harm their skin and their health.

While there are a number of excellent cheap skin care products on the market, chances are that they will be less effective than many of the more expensive male skincare products on the market. Often, cheap skin care products will rely on massive amounts of chemicals to simulate the hydration and rejuvenation of skin.

What men may not realize about male skincare is that the skin absorbs chemicals and elements and these can be harmful to your system. If you are looking for male skin care products, you should look for those male skin care items which use plant compounds and extracts as the active ingredients.

If you are looking at cheap skincare products, you need to be careful to read the ingredients and pass on those which contain harmful chemicals like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which can irritate skin, and parabens which can release toxic chemicals. Unfortunately, many cheap products will include these ingredients since they can give effects which make them appear more expensive. In the case of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, it is added to give foaming face cleansers the ability to foam.

Male skin care should center on protection from UV radiation, cleansing the pores and preventing ingrown hairs due to shaving, and moisturizing. This is because male skincare methods such as shaving can have a massively drying effect on the skin. Cheap skin care products like basic shave cream do not have the moisturizing ingredients they need to properly protect your skin and male skin care products with sunscreen may be more pricey than normal cleansers.

That is not to say that there are no cheap skin care products which work well as part of a male skin care routine. There are many cheap products which save money on extensive advertising and packaging and manage to provide excellent male skincare while keeping their price low.

If you want to incorporate cheap skincare products as part of your male skincare routine, take time to read the ingredients and choose those which use natural plant extracts for their active ingredients. Then, you can be sure you are nourishing your body and doing your best to stay healthy.

by: Amy Wells

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