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subject: Commercial Van Insurance - You Can't Afford To Go Without It [print this page]

If you own a van which you use as part of your business, you have all the more reason to shop around for the best possible insurance, because let's face it, if something happens to your van, your profits could be seriously affected.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when shopping for insurance, is that they tends to focus on little else apart from price. This may be okay for the average individual who is simply requiring insurance so that they are allowed to drive on the roads, but businesses need to focus on other aspects as well. Let's go ahead and take a quick look at some key elements of good cover.

One of the first things to look for in commercial van insurance is transportation cover. In other words, if your van gets damaged in an accident or because of vandalism, your insurance company should see to it that you're provided with alternative transport until such time your own van has been repaired. Even a relatively minor accident could see you van sitting in a repair shop for days, and of course this could result in significant losses if you don't have the use of another vehicle.

You should also make sure your policy covers you against uninsured losses. Let's for example say you're a private contractor, in which case you more than likely carry a large selection of tools around with you in your van. If your van got stolen you'd be minus a van and minus your tools. If your commercial van insurance policy includes transportation cover, you'd be provided with a courtesy vehicle until your claim is processed, but you wouldn't be provided with any tools. As a result, you would be unable to continue working for a limited period of time. If you're covered against uninsured losses, it means you'll be able claim for loss of earnings. With that said, such cover will have certain limitations so it's worthwhile discussing the details with your provider.

Many business owners also insist on have breakdown assistance included in the policy. The great thing about this is that it gives you peace of mind in knowing help is only a phone call should your van break down. No matter where about in the country you are, if you have a breakdown you can simply call the hotline number and help will be on the way within minutes.

Lastly, don't forget about your windscreen. If you've ever had to get your windscreen replaced, then you'll already know just how expensive it is. All it takes is one stone, and you could end up with a bill for hundreds of pounds.

These are all things you need to focus on when purchasing commercial van insurance, because without them, your business could incur serious losses. Many people are so obsessed with saving a few pounds, that they fail to look at the bigger picture, and then when disaster strikes, they end up regretting it, but of course by then it's too late.

by: Tom Jones

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