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Australia day 2010

Author: Suzie W.
Author: Suzie W.

After much anticipation, exhilaration, planning and preparation, one more New Years Eve celebration has passed by with much pomp and ceremony across the Sydney Harbour. The world has watched with great awe the fireworks and the light decorations welcoming yet another exciting New Year! Now, after having awakened the spirit of Sydney, its harbour, its waters, its skies, its people and their attitude, the city, in true Aussie spirit, gears up for the next greatest event of the year the Australia Day. Sydney Harbour, as with all other special days and celebrations, is again the hub of all activities associated with Australia Day. Celebrations on the beautiful Sydney Harbour, with the magnificent Sydney Opera House resplendent in the background and the majestic Sydney Harbour Bridge looming high, are always an unending source of amazement. The world watches in wonder as Sydney casts a new spell on the New Years Eve and yet again on Australia Day every year! The most eagerly awaited event on the harbour on Australia Day is the Ferrython a race of the ferries! The race begins at the Sydney Opera House when the ancient cannon on the historical Fort Denison is fired, and the ferries race forward and around the Shark Island, toward Watsons Bay and then return speeding to the finish line under the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The Ferrython presents an amazing spectacle from several vantage points on the foreshores; however, to feel the real pumping of the adrenaline, you have to be on one of the cruises that take you so close to action that you are able to cheer the ferries on. On Australia Day, vessels sashay the harbour spruced up in their best, displaying different themes, in anticipation of the Best Dressed Vessel award. The parading vessels include ferries, boats and tour boats, tall ships and yachts, and barges and cranes. The historic fleet display and the aerial display reflect Australias glorious past and industrious present. Towards evening, crowds throng all the vantage points to watch the fireworks that light up the sky over a sparkling Sydney Harbour. The best vantage points are the harbour cruises that allow uninterrupted view of the brilliant display from their open decks. The view can also be enjoyed from inside the boat over a few drinks and a several-course dinner! For those who have missed New Years Eve celebrations in Sydney, the New Years Eve capital of the world, here comes Australia Day which falls on the 26th of January, 2010, again with great pomp and show. The Australia Day is, again, a celebration of the nation, and the celebrations proclaim the envious lifestyle and attitude and the undying spirit of its people.About the Author:

Suzie W. has written several academic, marketing and research articles on topics related to social sciences, tourism, management, health and advertising. The author has worked as copy writer and editor in various advertising and publishing firms. The author presently specialises in writing articles relating to tourism and travel.

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