subject: Choose Our Top-quality Online Free Pdf To Word Converter [print this page] Using our PDF-to-Word conversion technology, you will able to quickly and easily create editable DOC or RTF files, making it very simple to re-use PDF content in applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, OpenOffice, and Word-Perfect. And the best part is that it is entirely FREE! While not all PDFs creation is equal, our conversion technology attempts to retain the exact formatting and appearance of the original file used in creating the PDF. We are confident that our free PDF-to-Word converter will produce a more accurate result than any other tool present in the market today, including even the most expensive desktop products.
When you have to quickly re-purpose the PDF content in Word, making a Word file that resembles the original PDF is only the first step. Unlike other PDF-to-Word converters, we use a full range of layout and formatting tools available, including paragraphs, columns, tables, and more. This outcome in making the editing process much simpler with less time spent on reformatting while keeping things easy to edit and manipulate.
With the help of our free online PDF to Word Converter, generate Microsoft Word files with correct formatting and easy-to-edit paragraphs. Be it pictures, vector images, photos, Excel charts or any other graphical elements contained with the PDF files, our free online PDF-to-Word converter has been designed to convert and accurately re-position all of these graphical elements upon conversion. Even if the PDF has complex drawings and shapes with various textures, patterns, and fills, our converter has the expertise to replicate the images while maintaining different editing capabilities. Maintain the correct alignment for paragraphs - left, right, centered, or fully justified, and more.
Our broad set of PDF-to-Word conversion capabilities means you don't have to waste hours reformatting the content retrieved from your PDF files.
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