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subject: Global coverage and key personnel of Biotechnology Companies [print this page]

International Directory of Biotechnology Companies 2010

The International Directory of Biotechnology Companies 2009 is one of the most comprehensive and accurate Directory of companies and executives in the biotechnology industry that have ever been published. It contains more than 3,000 biotechnology companies and 10,000 executives working in the industry around the world. ( )

This powerful Directory is your connection to key decision-makers in the biotechnology industry in Europe, the Americas, the Asia & Pacific region, the Middle East and Africa.

No other international directory keeps you abreast of the thousands of personnel changes taking place due to company mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, and staff turnover. This Directory is a must-have for anyone who needs to find contacts in the biotechnology worldwide.

This Directory will enable you to:

* Pinpoint key executives

* Profile a market

* Build new business prospects

* Generate new customers

* Discover who your competitors are

* Make vital contacts

* Save the time, money and effort of doing your own research

* Identify alternative suppliers and manufacturers

* Source up-to-date company information

* Keep track of key staff movements

* Access a wealth of quality information on companies and key personnel worldwide.

Key Features of the Directory include:

* 3,000 biotechnology companies listed with description of company activities

* 10,000 senior biotechnology personnel listed with name & job title

* Full contact details including email and website addresses

* Global coverage of companies and key personnel

* Comprehensive Indexing

For more information kindly visit :

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International Directory of Pharmaceutical Companies 2010

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Global coverage and key personnel of Biotechnology Companies

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