subject: Cheap Motorcycle Insurance - Some Prefer To Call It Affordable Rather Than Cheap [print this page] Have you ever commented on something one of your friends has bought only to be told by them that it was very cheap? If you have been in this type of a situation, you probably immediately started thinking it must be of poor quality. People in general tend to associate the word 'cheap' with inferior quality, and this is exactly why insurance companies prefer to use different words!
They want you to know their product is affordable, and they want you to know it's been designed for the average man on the street, but they don't want to insinuate that quality has been compromised.
The fact is however, if you look for cheap motorcycle insurance you'll get a million and one results, because no matter how insurance providers describe their products, it is cheap to insure the average motorbike nowadays, particularly if you're armed with a little bit of knowledge.
Insurance companies all around the UK base their rates on certain criteria, and while their may be a few minor differences, most take all the same factors into consideration. For example, all insurance providers will want to know how old you are. This is essentially because young drivers are more of a risk to them than what older drivers are. This is particularly true if you're under the age of 25 at the time you apply for cover.
If you are, or if you're new to the world of motorcycling, buying a modest second-hand bike can save you a ton of money on insurance. Whether or not you'll find cheap motorcycle insurance will also depend on where about in the country you live, at least to a certain extent. This is because certain areas have higher crime rates, and of course that means there's more chance of your bike being stolen. The only way around this is for you to make sure you do whatever you can in order to keep your bike safe, and that includes locking it up under lock and key when you're not using it.
It should also be mentioned that insurance usually costs more if you live in one of the cities than it does if you were to live in a rural area. This is due to an increased risk of accidents, and unless you're willing to move, not much can be done about it. Your best bet is to maintain a clean driving record together with a good no-claims history.
If you only use your bike on weekends, or only during certain months of the year, you need to discuss limited mileage cover. Doing so can see a substantial reduction in your rates, and if it's cheap motorbike insurance you're after, then this is certainly the way to go.
Having the excess amount raised is perhaps one of the most effective tactics out there to get motorcycle insurance premiums reduced. This is essentially the amount you pay before the insurance policy kicks in. The higher you set the excess, the less your insurance will cost. Don't be tempted to have it set too high though, because if you do ever need to submit a claim, you need to know you can afford to pay the excess.
by: Tom Jones
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