subject: Cheap Motorcycle Insurance - Is It A Pipe-dream Or Is It A Reality? [print this page] It's a difficult point to argue really, because what may be cheap for one person may not necessarily be cheap for another. Also, when it comes to insurance policies, there are just so many variables involved.
Even if you and your friend go out and you purchase identical motorbikes, and then you both insure them through the same company, that's not to say you'll both be paying the same for cover. Sure, perhaps you qualify for cheap motorbike insurance, but your friend may not. Maybe your friend is a few years younger than you, and if he/she has not yet turned 25 you'll already be getting a better deal because your friend is automatically going to be paying more. As far as insurance companies are concerned, he has not yet had adequate experience on the roads, be it on a bike, or be it in a car.
Anyone below 25 years of age should focus on a cheapish second-hand bike and not a high performance one either.Perhaps the two of you don't live very far from each other, but while you live out of town, your friend lives right in the heart of the city. As far as insurance companies are concerned, your friend is more likely to have his bike stolen than what you are. There's also a more chance of him being involved in an accident involving other people.
Maybe your friend uses his bike everyday to get to and from work, whereas you only use yours on the odd weekend, and during the summer months. The more time his bike spends on the road, the higher the risk factor is. Also, if you've been insuring a bike for a few years and you've never submitted any claims, you'll qualify for a 'no-claims' bonus, whereas you friend may have claimed from the insurance company last year, and in that case, he will have lost his no claims discount.
These examples are all things which are taken into consideration when you apply for insurance. Of course in this day and age, every bike owner wants to find cheap motorcycle insurance, but the only snag is than many of them don't want to go out and get it. Cheap insurance is not something which is just going to land on your plate, but instead, you have to go in search of it, and you need to be willing to make a few adjustments if necessary.
Deterring thieves is a good place to start, so make sure you have access to a secure area where you'll be able to keep your bike when you're not using it. Get your bike tagged, and even get a GPS tracking device installed. Discuss these options with your prospective insurance provider before you take out your policy so that they can advise you accordingly.
If it means you have to cut back on one or two breakfast runs in order to qualify for limited mileage cover, then so be it. After all, the objective here is to find cheap motorcycle insurance, and if a few sacrifices need to be made, then that's all there is to it. While you may need to restrict your mileage a little, at least you'll still be able to take advantage of good cover rather than having to settle for second best.
by: Tom Jones
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