subject: Online Faxing For Non-technical Types [print this page] Not everyone in the world was born in the Internet era, obviously, so many people did not grow up surrounded by PCs and high-tech gadgets. Some of the older folks, even in the advanced Western nations, are not just tech-illiterate, they are actually fearful of computers and new technologies. However, coaxed by younger family members (and, if they are working, their employers), plenty of these computer latecomers manage to learn the basics of word processing, Web browsing, watching movies and even accounting software. A certain few will find a natural talent for technology and become rather expert at some functions.
However, for the folks who only get to a basic operating level, some of the latest and greatest Internet features can seem beyond their reach. This is what many of them feel when they hear about online faxing, that its difficult, that its technical, thats its too hard to learn. They are even counseled by others to forget about it and stick with their aging fax machine. This is not necessary, since using online fax services is not at all difficult. Anyone who can type, find their way around a Web browser (Macintosh, PC, Linux, doesnt matter) and follow simple instructions can take advantage of online faxing, as well as other services they may have told were beyond their abilities. The benefits of online faxing for non-technical types are as great as they are for experts. Thats Internet egalitarianism in a nutshell.
Basic intro
If you are reading this and hoping to learn how to use an online fax service, it is likely you will be able to do so after reading this article and spending perhaps 10 minutes online doing a test drive. Many online fax services offer free trials for this very purpose, to disabuse people of the notion that its too technical or complicated for beginners. You will find this is not true. The fact that you navigated to this article establishes a prima facie case that you know enough to avail yourself of the online fax services. A few words of explanation on what happens behind the scenes will suffice for the technical portion of these instructions.
Instead of your message being scanned by a fax machine and transmitted to another fax machine (or online fax number), you will be sending your messages directly from your computer. Some online fax services let you work from your e-mail program, while others have you log into your online fax account and work from there. Not only can you write letters (as cover sheets or transmissions themselves), you can also attach other types of documents for electronic transmission. When you receive a fax to your service or e-mail, from a standalone fax machine, you will get a message with an attachment in the form of a TIFF or JPEG image file. Every modern operating system, from Windows to Macs and Linux, have built-in image viewing programs that can open and display the faxed files.
Service and savings
When you start shopping around for an online fax service, make sure to read articles that compare the various offerings and price plans. You will find that many are quite similar, but even some small differences can add hefty charges up front or on an ongoing basis. For example, if you have a fax number already, virtual or otherwise, you should be able to transfer it to the service, and many do this free. Others can charge up to $50 for the same thing, so read all the fine print. You will want to compare the amount of pages allowed monthly, in and out, as well as what you are being charged per page, per minute or even per second. It is beyond the scope of this article to make a full buying comparison, but search online and you will find plenty of help for that.
The main things you will gain from the online fax service are:
Simplicity: It really is simple to do once you learn, and you can do it all from your desk.
Security: No longer will you have to rush to the office fax machine when that confidential material is being faxed. Not only that, but you can send and receive encrypted documents that will safeguard your information.
Savings: No more toner cartridges to buy, no more paper, no more phone line to pay for. There are many savings over time, as well, in electricity, wear and tear, repairs and other nickel-and-dime details. You will also save time and energy.
Do not let anyone (especially the vendor that sells you fax machine supplies) talk you out of learning how to use an online fax service. It is not hard to learn, and will save you money, time and trouble starting from day one.
by: Chris Haycox
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