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Online File Servers Make It All Happen

Today's servers provide top-notch data protection, utilizing military grade encryption programs and firewalls. The proliferation of massive picture, video, audio, and data files has necessitated the use of powerful online file servers. Today, file servers offer nearly unlimited storage capacity (though for a fee), eliminating the need for expensive, problematic FTP solutions.

Incredible broadband speeds and improved security encryption have enabled a host of remote, online file servers that offer vital services for a relatively inexpensive price. These off-site servers can be accessed 24/7, allowing authorized personnel to access stored data via powerful search capabilities. Find what you protected faster and easier. Many file server services likewise offer continuous backups, allowing every change at the main server to be copied off-site instantaneously. This is the ultimate in data protection as most off-site servers only backup data during non-peak or off hours.

Automatic file updating needs to be instantaneous so all progress on all files can be quickly accessed. Safeguards also need to be in place that will allow a complete audit trail of file changes and send notification when changes are made to everyone involved. A professional file server should always offer a hierarchical folder grid that users have become accustomed to.

Employees can share data instantly. The cohesion of a company is no longer a matter of space. This level of synchronization is a must given the pervasive nature of the Internet. It is noteworthy that business es that employ telecommuting employees or engage in extensive online collaborations should adequately protect all data received to their main servers. This allows outages to be compensated by off-site file servers.

With an adequate backup file server, a business that experiences a server crash or other calamity is only down for as long as it takes to replace the faulty or failed equipment. With this backup in place, it is very quick and easy to import the necessary information from the remote server and be back in business . Remote file servers, as their name implies, are located off-site and provide a powerful level of security with regards to backing up sensitive, vital data.

Online File Servers Make It All Happen

By: Mahesh

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