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subject: How any one can make money online with their blog's banner space [print this page]

How any one can make money online with their blog's banner space

In this article we will talk about earnings on the web by selling banner space and advertising reviews at our blogs. Yes, that's on the blogs, because this is one of many ways to make money online by receiving the unprecedented momentum of blog boom.

How a website different from a blog?

Let us consider the basic features, which can be distinguished from the usual site blog.

In the first place. Blogs are indexed faster by search engines due to regular updates of content (news, posts). Blogging - it means constantly publishing relevant material, whether its news stories from everyday life, recommendations, etc. In contrast to sites, blogs regularly produce new articles!

Second. All modern blogs in their function have their subscription feed (RSS). That means anyone who constantly visits your will come across new content, subscribe to the RSS feed and receive the latest news from blogs via the special RSS-reader.

In the third place.Blogs are full of life and as a rule, each new post commented on by users! Most visitors who read the blog can always express their opinion in any matter.

That is, in principle, three main points, what exactly is different from a blog site.Why pay for guards to popular blogs?

Advertisers will be willing to pay for your banner space and product review, because the customer can get an overview of their products on the popular, regularly updated online resource. Then follow up with responses to the post of the regular readers, rather than on a static website.

In addition, in connection with frequent postings, you will be able to post banners at each post. And the more you publish new posts, the more you can earn on your blog with this ads.How to organize the earnings on my blog?

Now let's look at how and where you can earn from a blog on paid surveys and banners.

As a rule, under a paid review is meant placing articles on the blog from the advertiser (either written by a blogger) with an overview of his service, services, etc.

There are two versions of paid placement of articles. It's either placing a finished article (the review) with links to advertisers. Handwritten or rewriting, so to speak, the author's opinion about this service. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account that the earnings from the first option will be less than the second. Here, you'll have to write an article about the service or services of the advertiser.

How any one can make money online with their blog's banner space

By: Lena

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