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Online CNA training

Online CNA training has become very popular in recent days. This is true for all online courses as well. Some universities even provide online degrees. With the help of today's technology, learning has become easier and available to anyone. People with day jobs, don't have to drive all the way to night school. They can eat dinner, and after that learn from the comfort of their own home. The entire CNA training cannot be completed online, but the theoretical part can be learned through the web. As in all other online learning, there is controversy going on about CNA courses as well. So, are they good or bad? Each person can read the pros and cons and make up his or her mind.

Online CNA training is good

Those that support this type of schooling have made valuable points. First of all, a nurse's assistant will not perform any medical procedures. And even though this does not make their job any less important, it is something to keep in mind. Second, even though the theory part can be learned online, the practical bits of the course still have to be attended at a clinic. Third, an online theory course cannot be interrupted by students coming in late. Also, the teacher can be late, or those interested in taking the course can get stuck in traffic. This means that if an emergency happens, a person will not miss even a second from the lecture, because he or she can watch it when there is enough time. Fourth, any questions a student may have will be answered in an online voice chat discussion or on a forum.

The certification exam issued by the state is the same for everyone. Both online and on-campus students will have to pass it in order to get certified. Those that have taken an online course will not take the test online as well. Every person, regardless of how he or she prepared for the test will have to be present on the test date.

Online CNA training is bad

Those that are against online training have valuable points as well. CNAs are part of a medical team. This means that they have to be very well prepared. The face to face interaction between students and their teacher is important. Some people learn better when they are in a classroom environment. Is watching videos good enough to prepare everyone for the state issued examination?

Online CNA training can be good or bad. The only one who can decide which option is true is the student. If a person is motivated and knows what he or she wants, then it wouldn't matter whether or not the theory part is completed in a classroom or online.

Online CNA training

By: Christine R. Whittle

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