subject: Body Massage Alleviate Soreness More Effectively [print this page] A full body massage is great to help people who want to unwind and relax! It is very relaxing. Some of these include Swedish, holistic, deep tissue, and aromatherapy. These massages will leave you full of life, invigorated! In the United States there are about 90,000 massage therapists. Most states in the United States require a license to practice massage therapy. If a state does not have any massage laws, then the national certification in massage therapy is not required and a practitioner need not apply for a license with the state. Training programs in the US are typically 500-1000 hours in length, and can award a certificate, diploma, or degree depending on the particular school. Incidentally, in South Korea only the blind and visually impaired are allowed to practice massage therapy!
Body Massage Alleviate Soreness More Effectively
By: Bobby Wise
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