subject: Tips To Reduce Costs Of Hgv Insurance [print this page] For those that drive big lorries that carry heavy goods, also known as "heavy goods vehicles" or HGVs, there are a few additional precautions to take when hauling hazardous goods and dangerous substances.
There are strict enforcement rules to consider because the Department of Transport, along with the VOSA or Vehicle and Operator Services Agency enforce laws and regulations by checking for compliance along the roadsides. These vehicles are classed at different levels because of the regulations that are involved with the carriage of goods that pose a higher risk to the general public.
Haulage companies must be sure that proper documents and insurance are in place, which include public liability insurance and employer's liability insurance. The insurance companies that cover the HGV for these risks need to be aware of the nature of goods that are being transported by the HGV. When it comes to HGV insurance, it is important to have the proper cover to be in compliance and proper documentation is essential. While this insurance can be quite costly, there are things that can keep your insurance premium lower and your drivers safer, if you are a haulage company with a fleet of HGVs on the roads.
Driver training can help you save money in several ways. There are insurance companies that give a discount for drivers that have been through certain safety courses and it can save fuel expense, along with offering fewer maintenance costs. By making HGV drivers more aware of these issues, road traffic accidents can be reduced and fines associated with driving too fast or maintenance expenses associated with excessive braking can be reduced. The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to take responsibility for their HGV drivers and their safety, so alert drivers that have had plenty of sleep are mandatory for the proper level of awareness, as well.
When you consider ways to save on premiums, there will be risk assessments done by the insurance company and this includes vehicles and the particular employees that will by driving the HGV, in addition to the areas where loading and unloading are performed. It is important that you understand the risks that the HGV insurance company will be looking for during these assessments and some insurance companies will have a company do self-evaluations that are turned in on a regular basis to keep a discounted premium based on risk assessment evaluations.
In addition, there may be some updated driver training they will recommend for HGV drivers, and participating in re-training can result in generous HGV insurance premium discounts, depending on the insurance company. Because properly trained drivers are safer drivers, risk is reduced, which saves the insurance company and may save a haulage company, if they are able to prove they have a clean safety record.
When it comes to the haulage of hazardous and dangerous goods, these are essentials to reduce the possibility of accidents and large lawsuits to the haulage company, as well. It is highly recommended that updated driver safety courses are included, whether a discount is offered or not. The safety of the general public and HGV drivers can be ensured and expenses lowered, when these items are considered.
by: Neil Anderson
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