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subject: How To Find The Best Collagen Firming Lotions [print this page]

If you are interested in trying to fight wrinkles, you need know that many of the best products are filled with collagen and other skin firming extracts. There are many different products which contain collagen so finding the best collagen firming lotions may seem difficult. However, if there are a few things that you look for and keep in mind, you should be able to find the best collagen firming lotions for your needs, skin type and the areas of the body you will be using it on.

The best collagen firming lotions are able to cure wrinkles as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite. That is because the multiple layers of skin are held together by bonds formed from collagen and elastin. Wrinkles and cellulite occur as skin ages. Since the collagen bonds are breaking down, they are not held on as tightly and so lumpiness and an uneven surface can occur. Sometimes, this uneven surface translates into wrinkles.

When you are trying to find the best collagen firming lotions, you need to decide what you are trying to do. Are you trying to fight cellulite, or are you trying to fight wrinkles. This is an important thing to decide since what is one of the best collagen firming lotions for one condition may have little to no effect on any other condition.

The best lotions derive their collagen from natural sources such as wool, kelp, soy, makuna honey and some parts of fresh herring and mackerel. As you can see from some of these ingredients they are inedible so another source is needed. The best collagen firming lotions also include a moisturizing component which can give them an added ability to fight wrinkles.

If you are looking for the best lotions to help you fight wrinkles and cellulite you will need to pick one which is designed for your skin type. This is because if you have dry skin and you use one which is not rich enough or high enough in moisturizing ingredients, it will not hydrate your skin enough and it will not be as effective when you want to fight wrinkles. The best collagen firming lotions are those that are designed to plump skin cells as well as an additional way to help fight wrinkles.

If you are trying to fight wrinkles you may be frustrated by ineffective beauty products that don't live up to their name. If you look for collagen firming lotions with ingredients like Enzyme Q-10, Hyaluronic Acid or Cynergy TK you will be pleased at how they fight wrinkles. These are some of the best lotions because they contain natural ingredients for fighting wrinkles instead of chemical compounds.

by: Amy Wells

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