subject: Tribute To Georges Seurat Oil Paintings [print this page] The French painter George Seurat was born in Paris in 1859 and has a short life. He died with only 31 years. He was very interested in paint since his childhood and in 1878 was admitted to the cole des Beaux-Arts where improve his recognized talent. George Seurat reached fame with his masterpiece "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande", today, one of his most recognized Oil paintings. To difference with other important painters, Seurat never was poor, his family had a good position in the French society. Before study in the prestigious cole des Beaux-Arts, George Seurat studied art with the sculptor Justin Lequiene, considered his first teacher.
George Seurat interrupted his art formation to start the military service in 1879 in Brest. After this experience, he began a new life, rented a room where create most of his Oil paintings and learn about the color. Seurat belonged to the movement Neo-impressionism and modern art. Not everything was easy in Seurat's life, when his painting was rejected by the Paris Salon he founded the Society of Independent Artists with his friend Paul Signac. Seurat shared his new ideas about pointillism with Paul Signac who adopted this idea.
The following list contains the most recognized Seurat's works: La Parade (1888), Seated Boy with straw hat, Landscape of the Ile De France, Bathing at Asnieres (1884), Young woman powdering herself (1888-90), The Circus (1890-91), The Eiffel Tower (1889), Bathers in the Water, Le Chahut (1889-90), Woman with a Monkey, Boquet in a vase, The Channel at Gravelins Grand Fort Philippe, The Bridge view of the Seine, The Rope Colored Skirt, Village Road, The Stone Breaker, Snow Effect Winter In The Suburbs and Farm Women at Work. The pointillism is reflected in some Oil paintings.
by: Mary Pierce
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