subject: Don't Move Into A Dorm Without Reading This! [print this page] As thousands of young men and woman across the country move into dorm rooms, they and their families must be aware of the safety issues. Even on college campuses, there are people with ulterior motives. Though many caution college students to be aware of their own safety when at parties or when walking across campus at night, few consider the safety implications of living on your own in a large dorm where you may not know everyone who lives in the building.
When moving into a new dorm building, familiarize yourself with each floor, including the RA's room, the bathrooms, the stairways and elevators, and the exits. Never give out your dorm address to a stranger, not even a student you meet at a party or in class. Always be aware of someone who may be following you home to your dorm. Stay alert and be suspicious of anyone that seems out of place.
Because living in a dorm room is a temporary situation, few students consider what they can do to protect their safety while living there. Besides keeping doors and windows locked and blinds closed, you can also install alarms on the doors and windows. These can be taken with you when you move; some even double as personal alarms that can be carried in your pocket or handbag.
Another invaluable personal defense device for your dorm room is a can of pepper spray. This can be useful for stopping anyone unwelcome in your dorm room. A blast of pepper spray aimed at your attacker's face will disable them for at least ten minutes, giving you the needed time to escape what could be a terrible situation.
Without such a device, your attacker could simply lock the door behind themselves, enabling them to do whatever they want in your room before anyone figures out that something is amiss. One out of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus, and there is no way to tell if your date might become violent once you bring him back to your dorm room. Avoid bringing a date back to your dorm unless you know them very well.
Another known danger of living in a dorm room is the possibility of theft, especially if you are accustomed to keeping your dorm room unlocked when you're not there. Don't count on your neighbors to stop the theft. In many cases, someone goes door to door, searching for unlocked doors where they can get in quickly, take a few personal items such as electronics or wallets, and then escape unnoticed. Consider a diversion safe, which hides valuables in plain sight, and don't forget to lock your dorm room door when you leave.
These personal safety devices, including alarms, pepper spray, and diversion safes, are inexpensive and effective ways to ensure your safety when living in a dorm room. Though your safety might be the furthest thing from your mind when moving into a dorm room with your friends, it should never be overlooked.
by: Bryan Hough
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