subject: Why Songs can help you Learn French [print this page] Listening to music is an activity most people love. That love is usually fostered in childhood and a lot of what children learn about language comes from singing songs. The same love of music can be a vehicle for learning French, or any other language. French has some very unique pronunciation characteristics that make music an ideal format. Because songs oftentimes exaggerate aspects of words, those unique pronunciation qualities can be much easier to notice. As you progress in your studies, you'll also find that the repetition aspect of songs makes it easy to retain vocabulary.
The process of learning music is very much related to learning language. French, English and most other languages have a written form, just as does music. However, learning to play an instrument from sheet music without ever hearing music would be next to impossible. Unfortunately, this is how most language classes work. Additionally, imagine trying to learn the sound of a note by hearing it struck over and over again, without anything before or after it. Now you understand the weakness of learning language absent hearing it used, whether it happens to be used in speech or in song.
Songs written in the French language are probably something you've heard before and, in most cases, you'll probably be able to recall some of the words fairly easily. Even if you don't recall the exact words, you probably recall how they sounded and that's more than half the battle where building vocabulary is concerned. This effect of learning language through music is something any opera fan could tell you a lot about. Oftentimes, powerful music and stories can cement words in our minds like nothing else.
Learning through song also involves the right-hand part of your brain. Your right brain is more concerned with emotions, artistic endeavors and creativity than your left, where the structures that allow you to engage in reason, logic and memorization by rote exercise are found, for the most part. The French language is every bit as complex as any other and memorizing it is a task that would take many years, if you were even capable of doing so. Learning the language through music is very enjoyable and the memorization part comes naturally. When you need to memorize new words, doing it in the context of a song can make it much easier.
Why Songs can help you Learn French
By: Dr. Dennis Dunham
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