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subject: Male Fertility Treatment And How To Enhance Male Fertility [print this page]

Fertility simply means the ability to create the progeny. The word is generally thought in a idea to infertility, an conflicting case. Infertility is the incapability to imagine even after one year (minimum) of unprotected sexual intercourse. Male infertility refers to a man who is not clever to create the woman pregnant.

Here, the period of one year holds its importance since the majority of the couples imagine within this phase; health care providers advocate that the couples should only see infertility specialists after having tried for one year or more. In men, hormone evils, illness, reproductive organ trauma and/or any obstruction, and sexual dysfunction may temporarily or permanently impact the manufacture of sperms and then result in infertility. Several health ailments are extremely difficult to treat if left untreated for a longer period.

Development of sperms

Sperm development is medically known as spermatogenesis. The process takes place in the ducts (called seminiferous tubules) of the male reproductive organs - testes. Cell division will create mature sperm cells (spermatozoa) containing one-half of an individual's genetic code. Every spermatogenesis cycle comprises of 6 phases and takes about 16 days to get finished. About five cycles are necessary to produce 1 fully mature sperm. Energy-generating organelles (mitochondria) nearby in the sperm give motility so that it swims to the ovum (female egg) once ejaculated in the vagina.

Since sperm growth require approximately 2 months, any of the health ailment that was there while sperm's first cycle can affect its maturity regardless of an individual's health at the time of sperm analysis.

Incidence and Prevalence

According to the National Institutes of Health, male infertility is seen in about 40 per cent of the 2.6 mo infertile married couples merely in the US. Moreover, 50 per cent of these men are twisted to be the case of permanent infertility and cannot become a father. However, rest of them can be treated using various infertility methods.

Main causes that affect male fertility:-


2.Imperfection or obstacle in the reproductive system

3.Diseases such as Sickle Cell Anemia, sexually transmitted disease STDs etc.

4.Hormonal mal or dysfunction

5.Infections (such as orchitis)

6.Trauma or injury to any of reproductive organs; internally or outwardly

7.Medications (such as medicines used to treat high blood pressure, depression etc.)

8.Metabolic disorders like hemochromatosis

9.Retrograde ejaculation (a condition wherein the semen flows backwards)

10.Systemic diseases (such as hyperpyrexia, severe renal/hepatic impairment)

11.Cancer (as in testicular) or other situation such as varicocele

Treatment to restore male fertility

There are a lot of treatments obtainable to restore the male fertility. For that, one needs to take out the real cause. Treating the root-cause helps curing infertility. Hormone therapy is helpful in any deficiency of hormones and if the fertility is altered due to some chronic illness; that is treated first.

Holistic exercises and treatments are also said to be helpful in restoring male fertility.

Yogasanas, pranayamas and herbal products containing Ashwagandha, Kapikacchu, Shilajit are said to boost virility in a usual method.

by: Dr Charles Buchar

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