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subject: Bdo Global Coordination B.v - Swot Analysis - Market Research Report On Aarkstore Enterprise. [print this page]

BDO Global Coordination B.V - SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source for top-level company data and information. BDO Global Coordination B.V - SWOT Analysis examines the companys key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy.

BDO Global Coordination B.V. (BDO) coordinates the world wide network of public accounting firm, called BDO member firm, which operates under a single identity, BDO International. Each BDO Member firm is an independent legal entity in its own country. BDO is the worlds fifth largest accountancy network operating 1,138 offices in 110 countries. BDO is headquartered in the Brussels, Belgium and employs 46,035 people. The group recorded revenue of $5,026 million in financial year ending September 2009 (FY2009), a decrease of 2.3% as compared with FY2008.

Scope of the Report

- Provides all the crucial information on BDO Global Coordination B.V required for business and competitor intelligence needs

- Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting BDO Global Coordination B.V in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and examination of leading product revenue streams of BDO Global Coordination B.V

-Data is supplemented with details on BDO Global Coordination B.V history, key executives, business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products and services and the latest available statement from BDO Global Coordination B.V

Reasons to Purchase

- Support sales activities by understanding your customers businesses better

- Qualify prospective partners and suppliers

- Keep fully up to date on your competitors business structure, strategy and prospects

- Obtain the most up to date company information available"

Table of Contents :

This product typically includes the following sections:


Key Facts: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Company Overview: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Business Description: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Company History: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Key Employees: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Key Employee Biographies: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Products & Services Listing: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Products & Services Analysis: BDO Global Coordination B.V

SWOT analysis: BDO Global Coordination B.V

*Strengths: BDO Global Coordination B.V

*Weaknesses: BDO Global Coordination B.V

*Opportunities: BDO Global Coordination B.V

*Threats: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Company View: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Top Competitors: BDO Global Coordination B.V

Location and Subsidiary: BDO Global Coordination B.V

*Head Office: BDO Global Coordination B.V

*Other Locations and Subsidiaries: BDO Global Coordination B.V

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by: Aarkstore Enterprise

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