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subject: Trans-continental Same Day Shipping [print this page]

A century ago, it took weeks to move goods from one side of the country to the other. Two centuries ago, it took months. Today, however, in the 21st century, many delivery services offer options to move goods across the continent within the same day. More and more industries require materials to be moved large distances as quickly as possible. And, until we can just push a button and have goods materialize where we want them, courier and delivery services will be the go to entities for accomplishing this task. Increasingly, many businesses even require shipments to go across borders in the same day. Sometimes that is literally across the continent; from Canada to Mexico.

Luckily, there are business hubs all along the borders and everywhere in between, where delivery services offer the option to ship goods massive distances, within the same day, for a premium fee. This is sometimes done by rail, air, sea, or some combination of those. Oftentimes, however, if a few hours of notice can be given, this can be accomplished over the roads, at a reduced cost.

The logistical elements that these trans-continental delivery services offer are all similar. There are industry best practices that are normally followed in order to accomplish this feat. Most companies will either have offices, warehouses, and branches throughout the country, or will contract to other smaller companies to provide these distribution hubs. If the distance is truly trans-continental, and the shipment has to get there within 24 hours, then sometimes the only option is for it to go by air. By having these offices and centers across the country, many delivery services offer a service called "Next Flight Out." With Next Flight Out, if your package can go on a plane, they will send it on a regularly scheduled route, saving you the cost of a specially chartered flight, and still getting the shipment to its destination within the 24 hour time frame.

If you do find yourself in need of a last minute solution, many delivery services do offer these chartered flights for a premium. Normally, if a shipment is this critical, the cost is not a primary concern. In these situations, the courier company has pilots and aircraft on standby, and can usually be in the air with your shipment in less than an hour. If your company finds itself in need of this type of service often, nurturing a relationship with the delivery service can save time and money in the long run.

by: Chris Ellis

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