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subject: Global Metal Packaging Industry: Focus On Beverage Can Market [print this page]

The global packaging industry has witnessed strong growth over the past few years, with packaging container sales accounting for the major part. Used in a wide range of industries across food and drink, healthcare, cosmetics and other consumer goods, packaging has become an essential everyday item, with its usage growing broadly in line with the global economy. Packaging growth is typically higher than GDP in emerging markets.

Changes in lifestyle, demographics and consumer habits influence packaging and overall consumption. Innovations in products and packaging are driving market growth in different geographic regions. Easy handling, longer shelf life, maintenance of carbonation etc are some other factors which are contributing in the growth of beverage can market. Beverage cans can remain cold for a longer duration and in addition to these, metals (aluminum and steel) are completely recyclable and are environment friendly which further boosts the growth of beverage can market. Convenience and innovative designs of the cans also attract the consumer.

Metal beverage cans are a versatile package that can help develop brands, extend markets, create special promotional opportunities. Further, the rising consumption trend of beer in Eastern Europe is also boosting the metal beverage can market. Aluminum as a metal for beverage cans is gaining global acceptance with worldwide production of aluminum beverage cans steadily increasing, growing by several billion cans a year. In the face of this rising demand, the future of the beverage can seems to lie in designs that save money and materials.

The report titled Global Metal Packaging Industry: Focus on Beverage Can Market offers an analysis of the global metal can market and assesses the market by geography and also by segments. It analyzes the factors that are driving the growth of this industry. It also discusses the major market trends and challenges faced by the metal can packaging market. The report also presents the competitive structure of the industry and profiles major players in the metal packaging market including Rexam, Ball Corporation and Crown Holdings.

Further, we have predicted the future growth of the global metal can packaging market by combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS to determine the future direction of the industry.

Table of Contents :

1. Global Packaging Market

1.1 An Introduction to Packaging Market

1.2 Consumer Packaging Market Overview

2. Metal Can Market

2.1 Metal Can Process Overview

2.2 European Can Market

2.3 North America Beverage Can Market

3. Key Trends

Global Beer Market Trend

Increasing Beer Consumption in Eastern Europe

Beverage Can Decorative Technologies

Aluminum Preferred by Metal Beverage Can Market

4. Market Drivers

Convenience & Innovation Driving Metal Packaging Market

Increasing Beverage Demand

GDP & Rising Income Driving Packaging Growth

Environmental Issues

5. Major Challenges

Rising Aluminum & Steel Prices

6. Competitive Landscape

6.1 Company Profile

6.1.1 Crown Holdings

Business Overview

Revenue & Income Analysis

Business Strategies

6.1.2 Rexam PLC

Business Overview

Revenue & Income Analysis

Business Strategies

6.1.3 Ball Corporation

Business Overview

Revenue & Income Analysis

Business Strategies

7. Future Outlook

7.1 Market Forecast

7.2 Forecast Methodology

7.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables

7.2.2 Correlation Analysis

7.2.3 Regression Analysis

List of Charts

Consumer Packaging Market by Material (%):2008

Take Home Beer and Cider by Pack Type % of Volume Sold

Carbonated Soft Drinks Share of Market by Pack Type 2008 (volume)

Regional Breakdown of Global Beverage Market: 2008

Market Shares of Main Players: 2008

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by: Aarkstore Enterprise

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