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subject: How to have beautiful feet…… [print this page]

Author: Sanoj Jose
Author: Sanoj Jose

Do you feet love these? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. They don't like the nails to be cut too short. This is a good way to encourage ingrown toenails. Be sure to cut them straight across.

2. Toenails don't like to be stained yellow. That is exactly what happens when you don't use a protective basecoat before applying a dark color.

3. If you are going to remove polish, don't use a tissue. Simply put, it just doesn't work and usually makes a mess. Try both and see for yourself.

4. They really don't like it when they are polished and then forgotten for weeks on end. Letting polished nails grow out along with the polish... looks horrible.

5. Unkempt cuticles... not pretty with sandals.

6. Pushing them into pointy toed shoes. They hate that the most!

7. Toes also don't like bunions. Your big toe is the target if it is rubbed against your shoe on a regular basis.

8. Plain and simple... toes don't like to be ignored. I know from experience that toes loved to be pampered. A good foot massage on a regular basis is a good way to get back into their good graces!

Now lets see how to keep your feet beautiful?

Air Dry

When you get out of the bath or pool, dry your feet off as much as possible with a towel first. Then, relax somewhere you can prop your feet up while you wait for them to air dry the rest of the way. Don't put on any footwear while your feet are still damp from the water.

Stay Dry

Never wear wet socks or shoes! Whether you've stepped in a puddle, or just sweat throughout the day, try to get your feet dry as soon as possible. Carry an extra set of dry socks in your purse or your car's glove compartment. That way you'll always be prepared if what you're wearing gets wet.


This is my favorite tip to having beautiful feet! Every night, right before you go to bed, apply a thick layer of lotion to your feet and rub it in well. The foot rubbing will help your circulation, plus Read more on this article at the Author:

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