subject: Essentials Of A Fleet Insurance Policy [print this page] If you own a business then it imperative that you use vehicles for the smooth running of your business. The use of vehicles becomes even more important if you are in a transport or courier business. Businesses which own vehicles must ensure that their vehicles are adequately insured. Many business owners avoid taking out insurance policies to reduce their expenses. This could prove to be beneficial in the short-term, however in the long-term it could ruin your business.
Insurance companies offer different policies depending on the requirement of the vehicle owners. Some insurance companies offer tailor-made insurance policy if off-the-shelf policies are not sufficient to cater to the requirements of their customers. At times, when customers take vehicles on lease, it is the duty of the insurance company to check if the insurance policy includes all the terms of the lease agreement.
The cover options that business owners choose will depend on the nature of business and the vehicle used. Insurance companies have their own rules when it comes to insuring a fleet of vehicles. Therefore it is important that you contact as many insurance providers as possible before getting a policy.
Some insurance companies allow the transfer of no-claim bonus earned on business vehicles to private vehicles. However, the extent of discount offered will depend on the insurance company with which you deal. Therefore, it is important to check the discount offered by the insurance company before you shift the no-claim bonus from business to private vehicles.
Since the premium that you pay to insure the fleet is high, most insurance providers will offer flexible premium payment option. Some insurance companies can arrange for monthly payments of the insurance premium instead of paying a single annual premium payment. At times, business owners may require short-term insurance for their vehicles. Most insurance companies offer short-term vehicle insurance policies depending on the need of their customers. It is a good idea to discuss your requirements with the insurance company before getting a short-term vehicle insurance policy.
When getting a fleet insurance policy, it is a good idea to get goods-in-transit insurance cover if you are in the transport business. Goods-in-transit insurance cover is required if you carry goods that belong to others. This cover will protect your business from loss caused due to damage or theft of goods that you transport. You should also include public liability cover when taking an insurance policy. Public liability cover will protect your business from loss caused to public property due to the negligence of your driver.
Today, most business owners prefer taking fleet insurance because it is cheaper than taking individual policies on all the vehicles you own. You not only reduce your insurance cost but also reduce your workload, as getting individual policies involves more paperwork. There are many types of fleet insurance policies available in the market.
The policy that you take will depend on the vehicles you own, the model and condition of the vehicle, type and number of vehicles owned and your business risk. It is a good idea to check out the products offered by insurance providers. If you are not satisfied with what insurance companies are offering, you can ask them for tailor-made-products that fulfil your requirements.
by: Paul Delaney
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