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subject: Global Warming Best Case Scenarios - Prepare For Global Warming [print this page]

Global Warming best case scenario
Global Warming best case scenario

Adam: Hi, this is Adam. Im speaking to Steve Soreno, author of the Global Warming Survival Bible about the effects of global warming on peoples lives and how they can not only survive it but also prosper in the future. Steve, can global warming be stopped?

Steve: Well the best way to look at that is to see what would happen if we reduce our carbon footprint to zero right now how much of an effect will it have? And what happens if we slowly reduce emissions? What is the best-case scenario for the future?

Sadly, the best-case scenario for global warming really isnt that good. Think of global warming as a dam. The dam is breaking; cracks are appearing all over the place. We can patch up some of the cracks, but flooding is going to occur whether you like it or not. Dont patch up the cracks and all will be washed away.

Right now, China has pledged to cut its emissions by 20 percent and the European Union has pledged to reduce their emissions by 80 percent by 2050. Even with these reductions, and with efforts by the United States to curb global warming, the Earth is still going to warm more than is desired.

In fact, if all industrial and auto emissions stopped immediately, right now, global warming would still happen. Less drastic, but will still happen. In a recent study, it was found that the climate would still warm by at least one degree by year 2100, and the sea level would rise by four inches. And if humanity, hypothetically, would continue to not create any new emissions, this warming trend would also continue well past 2100, for at least 300 more years to 2400.

What does this mean to us? That this is now a question of adapting to inevitable changes. And taking the right path now in order to not endure hardships in the future and have a bright outlook. A lot of people go through denial now and that is a normal stage in the human grief cycle, and next well probably see a lot of anger. But the quicker we go to acceptance, the better chances well have to be among the winners of the future.

Adam: Absolutely complaining about difficulties will not help us. Its always better to take action and do something. Visit the and get plenty more free information, videos and books.

by: besafe andsurviveA

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