subject: France Insurance Market Intelligence - Market Research Report On Aarkstore Enterprise. [print this page] France Insurance Market Intelligence "The French insurance sector has consolidated its position as the fifth largest in the world and third largest in Europe. The French insurance market has undergone notable changes in the last two decades. The creation of the European Union (EU) brought new regulations, which had major effects on the industry. More recently, new European regulatory measures and French regulations, like Financial Security Act, launch of retirement savings products, PERP (Popular retirement savings plan), PERCO (collective retirement investment plan) and PERE (Corporate retirement savings plan) provided favorable framework for the development of the activities of banks, insurance companies and investment funds. The French insurance industry is divided between the life and the non-life segments. The life segment dominates the industry with very healthy growth in the pension segment. Property and casualty insurance (including third party liability) dominated the non-life segment.
The total annual premiums, however, decreased from 2007 to 2008 in local currency which was due to uncertainty in the equity markets. Moreover, the life insurance segment experienced a decrease in premiums in H2 2008 due to rising short term interest rates that favored the commercialization of banking products over life insurance policies. The non-life segment, however, reported moderate growth in terms of property and casualty premiums in 2008. French insurance industry is highly fragmented with the presence of several market players. Covea leads the non-life business whereas CNP Assurances is a market leader in life insurance business.
The present report gives an overview of the French insurance market along with an analysis of Frances political structure and the economic growth. The report provides an insight into the market size and trends in insurance premiums of life and non-life insurance sectors. Insurance premiums are discussed in terms of life and non-life segments and the density and penetration levels. The various developments and drivers are also discussed and finally the projections regarding premium growth are given.
By combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Table of Contents :
1. Industry Snapshot
1.1 Industry Structure
1.1.1 High Ranking Insurance Market Globally
1.1.2 French Regulations like Perp, Pere Favoring Insurance Development
1.1.3 Maximum People Covered Under General Health Insurance- ""Rgime Gnral D'Assurance Maladie""
1.2 Market Overview
1.2.1 Market Size & Growth Decrease in Annual Premiums Due to Uncertainty in Equity Markets Life Insurance Affected by Increasing Short Term Interest Rates Increased Catastrophe Claims Affecting Profits of Non-Life Insurers
1.2.2 Market Segments Life Insurance Segment Dominated by Pre-Endowment Insurance Life Insurance Preferred due to Tax Benefits and Building Retirement Reserves