subject: Blogging Your Way To Additional Traffic For Your Website [print this page] Generating leads and income on your website takes a lot of work where the bulk of it all lies in designing your website and then trying to get people to get in your site through your marketing activities. There are plenty of techniques currently practiced by aspiring and expert internet marketers alike. Most of them involve going to different sites and forums and pouring out ads or SEO articles in order to have more backlinks.
This is a good practice that shouldn't be ignored, but solely depending on that can be tiring and since your efforts are done on other sites, there is no guarantee that your work will be displayed there forever.
There are some other things that you can do with the website you are promoting aside from designing and content updating. If you get into blogging by starting your own blog on your own web host, you open up a lot more possibilities and enjoy these benefits that should give you more traffic for your site.
Easier Content Updating
If your website happens to be an opportunity or a deal for your visitors to check out, keeping your content up to date is very important. Once you get steady traffic using the other marketing methods, blogging should be done to keep your visitors informed. Manually editing your website can take time and not all people know how to edit web pages.
Efficient for Building your Search Engine Ranking
Blogging not only makes it easier to add content, but any old content that is blogged is still preserved which makes it great for indexing by the search engines. You can think of blogging as a way of sharing articles in your own site rather than through article directories. Article directories have a high enough rank for people to see, but if your articles on your site reach a high ranking, you should be getting more unique leads from real people that are looking for real business opportunities.
Better Interaction with Visitors
Blogging opens up a communication channel between you as the webmaster and your visitors because people can make comments to any of your blog entries as long as you allow them to. This could be in the form of testimonials or any feedback or questions. This data can be indexed as well allowing even more traffic to get in from online searchers. It is important that you take advantage of this feature and be very supportive so the "word of mouth" can also take into effect if your blog gets popular and that is handy in traffic generation.
Freedom of Expression
When you submit articles to article directories, you have to follow a certain format for it to be listed. With your own blog, there are no rules to follow and you can blog about anything that you like. This means that you can effectively reach out to other markets by simply writing something that is related. Just make sure that you stay in line with your website or your visitors may get confused.
If you don't have a blog, consider setting one up because it is fairly easy to do if your host supports it and it can make your site a lot more lively and interactive. Your hits per day should also increase especially if you maintain your other marketing channels.
by: Duncan Wierman
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